Brief Introduction to
Teradata is a fully scalable relational database management
system produced by Teradata Corp. It is widely used to manage large data
warehousing operations.
The Teradata database system is based on off-the-shelf symmetric multiprocessing technology combined with communication networking, connecting symmetric multiprocessing systems to form large parallel processing systems.
The Teradata database system is based on off-the-shelf symmetric multiprocessing technology combined with communication networking, connecting symmetric multiprocessing systems to form large parallel processing systems.
What happens when business data grows?
Sometimes, working in IT we need to upgrade entire
configurations of our systems or servers to get in sync with business
requirements. As a growing IT, data is also growing and for that we may need to
get rid of old configuration systems or servers and for that we need to migrate
the existing business data.
Moving/Migrating entire datasets or say full system from one Teradata system to another Teradata system or any kind of data system like Oracle or SQL is a bothersome task even when the data is already present on the disk or tapes and we are provided with all the load utilities(Teradata fast export , Teradata MultiLoad, Teradata Parrallel Transporter or by Basic Teradata queries (i.e fexp, mload, tpt, bteq etc).
We oftenly meets up to the scenario when there is no more disk
space left to hold the entire dataset, we contact our respective IT team to add
some more disk space onto the server, IT team denies, we still want to move
data. Challenging right!!! Is there any way to accomplish this? I believe yes.
Teradata Archive/Recovery Utility i.e Teradata ARC can be a solution here. One of the Teradata Archive/Recovey process named NPARC (Named Pipe ARC) serves this purpose. It is a way to get data from one platform to another platform or migarting data on the same machine without concerning about the disk space.
Teradata Archive/Recovery Utility i.e Teradata ARC can be a solution here. One of the Teradata Archive/Recovey process named NPARC (Named Pipe ARC) serves this purpose. It is a way to get data from one platform to another platform or migarting data on the same machine without concerning about the disk space.
What is NPARC and
How it works?
NPARC (Named Pipe ARChive) is an NCR utility that transfers data
between two Teradata systems. It is
basically ARC using named pipes instead of tape, making data transfers much
faster. The "donor" system
runs an ARC DUMP into the pipes and the "receiver" system runs an ARC
COPY with the pipes as its input. The
bynets of both systems are connected via LAN cable through your node's LAN
I’ve seen some cases while moving data from one platform to
another, Here is few of it.
Scenario one: When we move the data within the system. Below NPARC steps helps in it
Scenario one: When we move the data within the system. Below NPARC steps helps in it
Two different users with archive(dump) and restore access
rights on the databases TeradataSource and TeradadatTarget.
The user used for restore/copy should have additional
access right which is create table access right.
Two databases(source and target). Source database is where
the data is being archived and the target where the data is being
A named pipe
Dump/Archive and Restore/Copy scripts
Teradata Server (any version) up and running
Teradata arcmain installed on a Linux machine that can
connect to the Teradata Server. Also,Windows machine can be used but requires
few more softwares such as Teradata npaxsmod used to create a named pipe on
Windows. Using Linux for simplicity.
Firstly, we create the source(TeradataSource) database and
target(TeradataTarget) database:
create database TeradataSource as perm=10e7;
grant dump,restore on TeradataSource to TeradataSource;
create database TeradataSource as perm=10e7;
grant dump,restore on TeradataSource to TeradataSource;
create database TeradataSource as perm=10e7;
grant dump,restore on TeradataSource to TeradataSource;
create database TeradataSource as perm=10e7;
grant dump,restore on TeradataSource to TeradataSource;
Now, add some data to the source(TeradataSource)
A) create a table named t1 in TeradataSource database and collect the statistics as well.
create table TeradataSource.t1(i int, ch varchar(100));
insert into TeradataSource.t1(1,'aaaa');
insert into TeradataSource.t1(2,'bbbb');
insert into TeradataSource.t1(3,'cccc');
insert into TeradataSource.t1(4,'dddd');
insert into TeradataSource.t1(5,'eeee');
collect stats on TeradataSource.t1 column i;
collect stats on t1 column ch;
B) create one more table t2 same as table t1.
create table TeradataSource.t2 as TeradataSource.t1 with data and stats;
Now, create arc login users:
create user arch1 as perm=0 and password=arch1;
grant dump, restore on TeradataSource to arch1;
create user arch2 as perm=0 and password=arch2;
grant dump, restore on TeradataTarget to arch2;
grant create table on TeradataTarget to arch2;
A) create a table named t1 in TeradataSource database and collect the statistics as well.
create table TeradataSource.t1(i int, ch varchar(100));
insert into TeradataSource.t1(1,'aaaa');
insert into TeradataSource.t1(2,'bbbb');
insert into TeradataSource.t1(3,'cccc');
insert into TeradataSource.t1(4,'dddd');
insert into TeradataSource.t1(5,'eeee');
collect stats on TeradataSource.t1 column i;
collect stats on t1 column ch;
B) create one more table t2 same as table t1.
create table TeradataSource.t2 as TeradataSource.t1 with data and stats;
Now, create arc login users:
create user arch1 as perm=0 and password=arch1;
grant dump, restore on TeradataSource to arch1;
create user arch2 as perm=0 and password=arch2;
grant dump, restore on TeradataTarget to arch2;
grant create table on TeradataTarget to arch2;
Named Pipe creation:
Using mknod command to create the named pipe, you can also use mkfifo command as well.
mknod NPARC p
Dump/Archive script(nparc.arc):
logon arch1,arch1;
archive data tables
(TeradataSource) all,
release lock,
Restore/Copy script(nparc.cpy):
logon arch2,arch2;
copy data tables
release lock,
Note: Please make sure you keep all the scripts and the Named Pipe in the same directory. If not, you need to use different ways to make things work.
Finally, run the arcmain jobs.
Note: please make sure you run consumer process first, it will block the producer process.
The consumer job:
arcmain < nparc.cpy
The producer job:
arcmain < nparc.arc
As you can see, the data has been migrated to the target
database with ease and without much of the disk usage. This can be stretched to
move data across Teradata systems.
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