Sunday, 25 October 2015

Introduction to teradata utilities -BTEQ

Introduction to teradata utilities : BTEQ

BTEQ is a Teradata native query tool for DBA and programmers. BTEQ (Basic TEradata Query) is a command-driven utility used to 1) access and manipulate data, and 2) format reports for both print and screen output.

All database requests in BTEQ are expressed in Teradata Structured Query Language (Teradata SQL). You can use Teradata SQL statements in BTEQ to:

    * Define data — create and modify data structures;
    * Select  data — query a database;
    * Manipulate data — insert, delete, and update data;
    * Control data — define databases and users, establish access rights, and secure data;
    * Create Teradata SQL macros — store and execute sequences of Teradata SQL statements as a single operation.

Friday, 23 October 2015

Introduction to teradata utilities : fastload

Introduction to teradata utilities : fastload
Teradata FastLoad, also called "FastLoad"   or "FL," is a multi-sessioned parallel load utility for initial table load in bulk mode on a Teradata Database.

Teradata FastLoad processes a series of FastLoad commands and Teradata SQL statements written in a FastLoad job script or interactively entered. The FastLoad commands provide the session control and data handling specifications for the data load operations, and the Teradata SQL statements perform the actual data load functions on the Teradata RDBMS tables and views. However, this command-driven utility feeds only one table per job; thus, to load more than one table, multiple FastLoad jobs must be submitted — one for each table.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Introduction to teradata utilities : Multiload

Introduction to teradata utilities : Multiload
Teradata MultiLoad, also called "MultiLoad," "MLoad" or "ML," is a command-driven parallel load utility for high-volume batch maintenance on multiple tables and views of the Teradata Database. It is specially designed for high-speed batch creation and maintenance of large databases.
Teradata MultiLoad executes a series of MultiLoad commands and Teradata SQL statements written in a batch mode job script or interactively entered. The MultiLoad commands provide the session control and data handling specifications for the data transfer operations, and the Teradata SQL statements perform the actual maintenance functions on the Teradata RDBMS tables and views.

Friday, 2 October 2015

Teradata Data Distribution and Data Access Methods

Teradata Database Indexes
An index is a physical mechanism used to store and access the rows of a table. Indexes on tables in a relational database function much like indexes in books, they speed up information retrieval.
In general, Teradata Database uses indexes to:
Distribute data rows.
Locate data rows.
Improve performance.